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Karamy-war.com Rules

§ 1. General Rules:
1. Every player that creates an account on Karamy-war.com server is obligated to comply with the rules of the game.
2. Ignorance the game rules doesn't exempt anyone from complying with them.
3. At the time of violating the rules, administration reserves full rights to restric the access to an account or deleting an account.

§ 2. Players:
1. It is prohibited to create a character with a name insulting another person(s). It is prohibited to use names that insult the modern policy in any way, names that are racist or which insult any type of nation in any way. Lets respect each other.
2. Every character created on Karamy-war.com server is owned by it. Account or character trading is strictly prohibited. We also won't tolerate any loopholes that are to do with circuvent this rule.
3. There is an absolute prohibition of advertising and promoting any other game servers except for .
4. Insulting as well as lying the administration will end with banishment of an account for few days or in extreme cases with a pernament deletion of an account.
5. In the case of the occurrence of such needs, players are required to follow the instructions given by the administration of the server.
6. Players are required to address the administration with respect and cultural language. Trying to break this rule might end with a banishment of an account.
7. Every player is under the direct assessment of the administration.
8. There is an absolute prohibition of using in-game bugs and errors for own use. Go on forum to report it. (Serious bugs will be awarded with large amount of premium points).
9. It is prohibited to massively insult players on Game-Chat, Help, Trade and Default. Lets respect each other. No one will be running for you for few insults but exaggeration will be punished.
10. It is prohibited to spread around false statements or informations about the server or administration. Players who do that will be punished with a deletion of their account.
11. All accounts, characters, items and everything else that is connected with the game is owned by the administration. Players have only the ability to use those items to play but the administration is still the owner of everything.
12. Permamently prohibition of approptiating not own items, scamming players, asking other players for login/password/r-key, cooperation with people violating the rules, sending hack links, hacking attempts.
13. There is absolute prohibition of giving or taking so called free frags - giving frags on purpose. Punishment for this will be often account delete.
14. Foul-play against other players will be severely punished.

§ 3. Administration:
1. Administration works in the way that will improve the quality of the game and also provide a smooth game without any trouble or problems.
2. Nobody is a machine. Everybody makes mistakes. If there will be any doubts about some decision that was made by someone from the administration, it will be talked over on our forum and it will also be discussed and assessed by other members of administration. Let's remember that no one is infallible.
3. The administration is trying to examine all the requests/notifications/comments as fast as possible but sometimes it might take a bit longer.
4. Administration is not responsible for lost items due to server crashu.
5. The final word and decision is always made by the head administrator.

§ 4. Punishments:
1. Depending on the offence, the administration reserves full rights to punish a player using the following rules.
2. If a player abused a bug for his/her own needs without notifying the administration about the bug - banishment for 15 days or account deletion.
3. If a player has strongly insulted the administration, he or she will get a banishment up to 48 hours.
4. For blocking hunting grounds or quests, the punishment might vary from kicking to temple to a 48 hour banishment. It depends on how often the player was blocking the spawns and also the type of blocking.
5. Catching someone selling an account or a character - warning banishment for 6 hours, next time banishment for 5 days or account deletion.
6. Ignorance the rules - possibility of punishment that will depend on the offence.
7. Extreme situations that are not mentioned in these rules - banishment for 30 days or account deletion.

§ 5. Donations:
1. Donations to the server are voluntary.
2. Administration doesn\'t take any responsibility for any payments that were made incorrectly due to "mistakes".
3. It is not possible to get any refunds for bought premium points.
4. A player who buy an item from the shop is not the main owner of that item. The main owner is still the administration of the Karamy-war.com server.

§ 6. Final Provisions:
1. Administration of Karamy-war.com server reserves full rights to edit these rules at any time.
2. The administration will strictly enforce these rules.
3. The punishment system isn\'t stiff. It is flexible and it is going to be used individually depending on the offence that was made.
4. The present game rules are to improve the game quality on the server and clarify the rules that prevail on it.
5. In case when in the regulations are some deficiences, decisions are made by server administration.
6. The accounts along with characters are owned by Karamy-WAR.COM.
Service owner: DreamFactory Solutions LLC, 2232 Dell Range Blvd. Ste 245, Cheyenne, WY 82009; info[a.t]dreamfactorysolutions.biz